Calf rearing is one of the most important areas on the farm as calves are the future of the herd. Attention to detail in calf rearing is critical to ensure sustainability and efficiency of farms. The aim is to have healthy, hassle-free calves that grow into healthy cows for a profitable, trouble-free herd.
The first 12 weeks of the calf’s life are the most critical for development. There are four main feed components which are the key to supporting calf growth – water, milk, forage and concentrates.
- Water – Plenty of fresh clean water is key to rumen development and helps to drive concentrate intake.
- Forage – Palatable straw or hay, making sure it is not dusty or mouldy, assists the calf in becoming a ruminant.
- Concentrates – These are actually the biggest driver of rumen development and they give calves the RIGHTStart, supporting rumen, gut and immune development and health.
- Milk – provided by raw milk or calf milk replacers and is vital to support growth and health during the first 12 weeks.
Feeding a calf milk replacer means that calves receive a consistent feed which leads to less digestive upsets, while helping to reduce some of the risk of transferring infectious disease such as Johne’s. With calf milk replacers, there are two considerations, the quantity and quality that calves are fed. It is well known that higher feed rates (around 750 grams of powder per day or more) promote better growth, help develop organs and switches on genes that produce more milk during the first lactation.
However, to achieve this higher feeding rate, calf milk replacer must be optimal quality:-
- Protein is important for growth and development but this protein must be highly digestible and contain plenty of essential amino acids, as these are the building blocks of calf growth. A milk replacer using dairy ingredients and based on skim, particularly the casein component, is a source of highly digestible, good quality protein and clots in the stomach, just like cow’s milk. Studies have shown 22-23% protein calf milk replacers are optimum.
- Energy, provided particularly with fats, must be balanced with protein in the correct ratio for optimum growth. For fat to be easily digestible, it should be broken down into small molecules. In addition, high quality fats, such as coconut oil, have immune supporting properties.
- A small amount of fibre can act as a probiotic but, if fibre levels are over 0.15%, this indicates a larger amount of cheaper plant ingredients which are not very digestible, particularly for the very young calf.
- Ash indicates mineral levels and should be between 7 – 9.5%. Minerals and vitamins support growth, health and immunity.
A digestible calf milk replacer should be made with good quality dairy ingredients. It is vital to feed calves a higher feeding rate to support growth and immunity. In turn, this produces healthy calves that go on to become productive, profitable cows.
Fane Valley has a range of calf milk replacers to suit your calves needs. One such product is Country Kalvostart Unique Calf Milk Replacer which offers numerous benefits for young calves. It provides essential nutrients that support rapid growth and development, ensuring that calves reach their full potential. The milk is enriched with vitamins and minerals, boosting the calf’s immune system and helping it stay healthy. Its specially formulated composition promotes healthy digestion, leading to better nutrient absorption, while also supporting the development of strong bones and muscle mass. Country Kalvostart Unique Calf Milk Replacer plays a vital role in raising healthier, more productive calves.
To find out more or to order calf milk, contact your local Fane Valley Store, Fane Valley Representative or call 028 92610485